K. Lindsay Hunter

I'm a biological anthropologist and research associate at Sepela Field Programs. I study human-wildlife interactions in South Africa, and have long been fascinated by our non-human primate relatives. I volunteer for BCI because I strongly support their approach to sustainable conservation and development in the DRC and want to help conservation go viral!

Family Reunion

If you are like most people, you have never heard the name “bonobo” and are scratching your head as to why this post is called “Family Reunion.” How might you possibly be related to someone you never heard of (or was that the unknown cousin at your grandparents’ anniversary that you…

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Hello, world!

Welcome to the Bonobo Blog, your source for news and inspiration about the world of conservation and development, and, of course, BONOBOS! In this next series of posts, we’ll introduce you to the Bonobo Conservation Initiative (BCI), our mission, our incredible Bonobo Peace Forest (BPF), our dedicated team in DC and…

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